Thursday, July 14, 2005


So sorry the past post had no pictures in it. For some reason I have no luck with computers no matter what country i am in. Too bad I didnĀ“t take a picture of myself this morning at 10 am. I went to the school to play some soccer and we ended up playing in the street right in front of the school, it rained hard last night and needless to say there were many mud puddles. I had shorts on, so my legs were as brown as the darkest Nicaraguan here. Great fun. Today is the second-to-last day of VBS. I quite enjoy being in charge of sports. Hopefully soon I will be able to get a picture up, I might just need to ask someone for help. Last night while Josh, Dori, Ashley and I were in the internet cafe, it started to DOWNPOUR. We had to get home somehow so we ended up singing and dancing in the crrrrazy rain. We had quite a bit of fun on our way home. The streets of Nica are usually crowded with pedestrians, motorcycles, bicycles, bicycle taxis, oxen, horses, and most certainly dogs. Last night, it was just the four of us, playing in the rain. Today before playing soccer I went to visit my former students who are now in first grade! I love them dearly. I got to sing the Wheels on the Bus with them and the Hokey Pokey. They were radiant! VBS again this afternoon, then of course, more soccer. This, I tell you, is the life.


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