bare 'em proudly

I think there should be a national barefeet day. April would probably be the best time to have it because the asphalt wouldn't be too hot for the majority of Americans. Maybe places like Arizona and Texas could celebrate the day in December or something. But I think that everyone should have to follow the guidelines. If anyone is seen wearing shoes, they will be fined $50 and all that money would go to a charity like the Paraplegia Foundation ( or something of the sort. So even the big wigs like Donald Trump and George W would have to go to work that day without shoes on. I mean, we have probably some of the cleanest streets in the world, and the nicest feet because they are always covered or pedicured or (hopefully) daily washed. Why not enjoy those clean streets in a way we never have before. I tell you, it's too bad I don't run the world.
So I cut my hair recently. It hasn't been short in about two years. It hasn't been this short ever. The man who cut my hair had really long fingernails. I think someone should give me a cookie for allowing a man with long fingernails to touch my hair for about an hour. I think that's the most disgusting thing (quite possibly in the whole world). A man should not have longer fingernails than a woman. Yeck! Anyways, when he first cut it, he had the front part coming down over my forehead. I've never had bangs before and now I know why. I completely and totally look like a boy. Thank God my parents never thought bangs would be a good idea for me. I had enough troubles with my monstrous glasses that engulfed my face. (I've never found a better use for the word engulfed, EVER, b/c that is what they really did!) No worries though, when I style my hair, unlike nasty long fingernail guy, I dont have bangs.
Check out if you have 10 or more inches of hair that you dont know what to do with.
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