
There's a scene in the movie In America where Johnny asks Mateo if Mateo is in love with Johnny's wife. Mateo answers "No... I'm in love with you. And I'm in love with your beautiful woman. And I'm in love with your kids. And I'm even in love with your unborn child. I'm even in love with your anger! I'm in love with anything that lives!" Johnny then realizes Mateo is dying.
Argetina grabs a hold of my mind and wont let go. It was the children. Palao, Martin, Junior, Gabrielle. I am in love with them all. They have no idea how much I think about them and how often I contemplate ways in which I can return to their land. Have you ever been in love? Not with one person, but a whole community? I'm in love with the old women who cooked our meals, with the teenagers who took me out to parties, with the fathers who joked around with me. It is these people that I wish could be at my intramural soccer games. It is them I want to show my good grades to. I want to bury my head in their laps when I cry. I want to change the world for them. I am in love, but so far away from my lovers.
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