Saturday, October 29, 2005

Life Changes

Life changes at the speed of sound, but mostly it seems like its the speed of a turtle. Then all of the sudden, its time to move on, jump down, and make a fool of yourself somewhere else. I want something I can touch and see and smell to hold onto. Grounded. Something grounded. I try to have faith, but like the father Jesus encounters in Mark, I too cry, "I believe. Help thou my unbelief." Somedays I think I understand life, most days I realize I dont. And especially now as my college days are coming to a close (thank God) I question and doubt and analyze what life really means. "A reverent heart will surely be/Unbroken/With no regrets/Should I be/Lost in forgetfulness/With no regrets" I can't say I have regrets about my college experirence, and I am quickly realizing how much drama the path I have chosen has saved me from. But still, if I had chosen different things in certain situations, I'm sure my college life would have been dramatically different. And some of those decisions would not have been wrong. All my previous ideas about how God intervenes in life have been up in the air lately, thinking that there are some decisions where there is more than one right answer...or rather "right" is not necessarily in existance. What one man believes is waiting on God, another believes is passivity. What one interprets is not the path I should choose, another says go for it. Is God relative? no. Is absolute truth relative? no. But there are some gray areas that God will be glorified in whether we choose what is behind door #1 or door #2. There are certain truths and definite consequences to sin. But there is a freedom man has in choosing that goes beyond those absolutes. Not only do we have the freedom to choose, but we also have the freedom to say, "My choice will not ruin God's will." It is a freedom to believe in the power of God.


At 2:54 AM, Blogger Bill said...

Gena... right on my friend - you are inspiriration to a soul far from you. Pray for me.


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