
Cheese. It is the answer to everything. Are you feeling sick? Eat some cheese. Have you had a headache? Eat some cheese. For the past two days I’ve been a bit under the weather with a little bout of dehydration. I told Silvio today and he said, “Why didn’t you tell me earlier. Here I have some cheese for you.” Despite the fact that I had no appetite for a good 40 hours, I’m sure if I had laid eyes on a block of cheese I would have been healed. Pazzo, yet so, well, predictable.
Friday the 15th was Independence Day here. All last week there were parades around the town square. I marched twice, once with the preschool and once with middle school. It was certainly a slice of culture to behold. All of the children were dressed up in one form or another. (Pictures to follow soon). When Friday rolled around, we American teachers were off to the beach. We headed up to Trujillo, a place about 7 hours from Sigua. It is a quaint little beach town that we could see in its entirety from our hotel up on the mountain. Not too many tourists either. Columbus apparently landed there on his fourth voyage to the Americas. It also is renowned as the place that William Walker was killed by a firing range.
Although I’m quite happy we saw Trujillo, and I’m happy my skin looks just a little bit closer to that of a Catrachos, I’m even happier that this weekend, I’m sticking around Sigua. A little R&R – there’s nothing quite like it.
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