Reaction to Separate but Equal #1
I think upon first reaction that I agree with you on all major points
you made. It seems that all too often the church DOES try to control
politics by forcing their beliefs and convictions on the masses
through political means and gains of power. When discussing this with
some people I almost feel guilty, like I should be more on the other
side. I would not personally promote abortion, gay marriage,
over-consumption of alcohol or marijuana. However, I don't think that
just because that is my personal conviction that it should be law. So
many Christians try to say that this nation was founded on Chritian
beliefs, therefore, the Christian church and position should still be
the foundation and the solution to governments problems. I can't
agree, at least not fully. The founding fathers came for religious
freedom. It was because of similar oppression in Britain that they
came here. Yes, they were Christians, but what if they were muslims
coming for religious freedom? I somehow doubt that they would have
agreed with oppression against another religion as long as it wasn't
theirs. For example, I don't believe that politics and government
should preach and force Christian ideals just as I don't think they
should force Muslim/Buddhist/atheist etc. ideals. Take gay marriage. I
disagree based on Christian conviction. However, does that mean that I
should say it should be outlawed for everyone, because I disagree
means everyone should be forced to see it my way through state mandated
laws? I don't know. I realize if I said to most any Christian that I
wouldn't be totally appauled if it became legal that they would be
shocked and appauled by me and likely throw dozens of scriptures down
my throat about why it's wrong. But, what if state law said it was
illegal for me to go to a Christian church? Or illegal for me to send
my child to a Christian school? Or illegal to celebrate Christian
holidays? I think that all too often Christians are close-minded to
the point of not even listening to another side or lifestyle. Not that
we should be condoneing of it, but also not so close-minded that we
arrogantly assume that everyone should, in a way, be forced to believe
and act as we do. Anyway, I think that you got at the heart of the
matter. We should focus more on individuals and relationships as a
means to change hearts and actions and not politics and forced laws.
-from A
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