Message of the Cross
What would you give up if you knew you could save a young girl from a life of prostitution?
We humans like to label everything. Sin is no different. Two of the bazillion labels we give sin would include social injustices and social behaviors. To me, I would think it unjust for a girl to have to live a life of prostituation because of poverty or some other faction, as I'm sure is the same for you. Yet, if I knew a person who randomly, yet willingly had sex with plenty of partners simply because they were a player, I would not consider it an injustice. Here is where I can get myself in trouble. If I am willing to "save" a girl from a life of prostitution by some sort of sacrifice, what will I really be "saving" her from? If by save, I mean give her an education, a good job, a respectable standing in society -- in the end I have saved her from an "unjust" life to a "good" life. But if that is all I give her, truly I give her nothing -- for nothing in her new life will change her eternal life. What is "good" after all?
If I have the mindset that I want to "help" the poor -- which I do, I must recognize that giving someone the means to a better life must signify giving them the means to the Good News. God sees things at a much higher perspective. If I give Juan Carlos from Nicaragua the same life John Smith has in the US, I may get a pat on the back from those around me. But in my heart, I must know that Juan and John live very similar lives on the inside -- we are all searching for something better. Affluency does not equate happiness, and even though I have seen this time and time again, I must constantly be reminded of it. The best gift I can give anyone is Christ. For he, and he alone died for the prostitute and the player.