Saturday, November 26, 2005

Which Way?

The sound is breaking down
I'm tired of breaking up
You want me to reach down
All I do is reach up
Stuck in Reverse.
Reverse. Reverse.
The sound is breaking up
I'm tired of breaking down
You want me to reach up
All I do is reach down
I'm stuck. Stuck up here
Stuck down there.

Time can't move me.
Time did this to me.
Watch it click. Watch it tick.
It will do it to you
Make you reach down,
Reach up.

The sound is breaking
Down or up?
I'm tired
Time doesn't kiss and make up
Or break down
It's still, so chill.
No emotion, no devotion.
Just tick. Just click.
Tick. Tock.

The sound is drowning out
Breaking up
Drowning down
Breaking up

You can't make it stop
Up and down
Down and up
Which way is real
Give me truth, time is proof
Up or down
I'm breaking...
Breaking up
Breaking down.

Sunday, November 20, 2005


At the water's edge, I sit and talk to you. No one can see you, but I know you're here. You've been here my whole life: when I played in the piles of leaves, when I watched Hey Arnold every night, when I was kissing boys, when I was crying and when I was laughing. You've always been here. I talk to you more than I talk to anyone else and I don't want it any other way. I read your words more than I read anyone else's. Sometimes I think I know who you are, and I answer questions people have about you with a certain sense of pride. But my knowledge of you only takes me so far. And oftentimes I can't answer my own questions about you. I hope that if you were one of us, we'd be friends and I'd act like you and resemble you. But you are so vast and so knowledgeable about the universe. I am but a 3-year-old and you, a Physics Professor. Somehow my sense of you has never changed even though my knowledge of you has. I've always known you are right here. And you have always been right here. Yet you've always been majestic and holy and just, adjectives I aspire to but will never accomplish. I'm attracted to the physical portrayls of you. Anyone who wants to discuss you becomes my immediate friend, even if they have a completely different idea of who you are. I am attracted to books about you, poems and stories of others' beliefs in you. You really do mean more to me than anything else in this world because somehow, someway everything always goes back to you.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

I can fill up my gas tank because of this one


Off to work with a plastic bag as your briefcase
Gripped by your blackened fingernails, it’s time to go.
The sun shines heavy, but it always does that here,
Shanghai – city of trade and money and garbage.

Tattered black pants and a soiled cream shirt
The perfect outfit for your grocery store –
As you reach in, your hands become your eyes,
Focused on finding anything solid.

Your old eyes disregard the lives of passersby:
A woman in stilletos barely looks at you
You take no notice of her clanging shoes, nor of
The frumpy woman in ankle-high pantyhose.

Your hand returns from out of the shadows
Like a submarine that’s finished its work.
Next, the corner of Mao Ming and Funshi
A new, four foot food store – lunch might be there.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

what Josh says...

Only you can prevent drama
General Dating Guidelines:

If you have a child and you do not know who the father is
Josh says no.
If your outfit costs more than your car
Josh says no.
If you had a boyfriend and still pursued another man
Josh says no.
If you enjoy people on account of the attention you receive
Josh says no.
If your credit is worse than mine (none)
Josh says no.
If you know more fashion designers than Bible verses
Josh says no.
If you go to church to meet men or to be a good person
Josh says no.
If you cannot tell me what the gospel/salvation is...

Thursday, November 03, 2005

To The Boys I Love

To all you boys out there whose faith I admire, do me a favor. Stick with it. Listen, I know its hard to wait for the one, and maybe some of you don't even believe in "the one" but it doesn't matter. What matters is that wherever you are, there is some Christian girl looking up to you and hoping that one day she can marry someone with your qualities (especially the one where you are chasing after God). Do me a favor, don't settle for less. Whatever you said you wanted in a future wife has not changed. That day when you seriously thought about it all, don't pretend that you can justify a person you are attracted to. If you have to justify, she's not the one. God knows your desires, he knows what you need. You see, the thing is, if you start settling, then all those girls around you who admire you will start settling too. Women look up to men, whether we want to or not. So what you do, we do. That's just how it goes. We're in this 'waiting on God' thing together. I want to one day say to you, I really admire your wife. So wait with us, wait for us; we not only want you to, we need you to. Please, do me this favor.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Something Good

You said
Hold fast to what is good, Lord.
That is my attempt
For You are my good
I hold onto You.

You said
I have no good apart from You.
This is my attempt
To hold onto You
For You are my good.

You said
The desire of the righteous is only good
May I be righteous
And You my desire
For You are my good.

Oh Lord, hear my cry
You are my good
And that which I desire
Is a good thing
Grounded in You
I cling to it
Only because You are there
I cling to it
Because I cling to You.

You are my good Lord
And from that--
It is my good
I desire a good thing
This is my attempt
To hold onto Your glory.

If it not be so,
Open my hands to cling to another
Open my hands to let go
For it is You I desire
To hold onto
It is you, roca mia.