Another campamento
Yesterday I went camping once again with a group of 13 other friends. We headed to the same finca we went to last time, but to a different campsite. The river was right near by and around 11pm after dinner and the campiste was all set up, a few of us went to test out the water.
Cold, refreshing water.
moonlit sky.
reminders we are alive.
This morning, we went to a favorite watering spot of mine. Last time, i jumped off the cliff into the water and was petrified to do so. This time, I jumped off a higher spot. Fear swirled deep within me as I looked down (I honestly have no idea how high it was, I just know that after I did it, even some of my honduran adventurous friends were saying I was loca). I kept looking at the spot and thinking, "Oh my god!" over and over again. But I couldn't just keep standing there. If there is one thing I hate, it is wasting time. I was doing just that. Either jump or walk around. It takes less energy to just jump. I was absolutely frightened, but once it was over, I was so excited that I did it. I'm sure I'll be back at that spot sometime soon, and I'll take a picture and post it.
The picture here is of the bridge we crossed to get to our campsite. Word is, there's a camping trip in three weeks with a 9 hour hike to the spot, the highest mountain in Sigua, and a 9 hour return. Rumor has it, I might be going...if only I can get this body in better shape.