Which Way?

The sound is breaking down
I'm tired of breaking up
You want me to reach down
All I do is reach up
Stuck in Reverse.
Reverse. Reverse.
The sound is breaking up
I'm tired of breaking down
You want me to reach up
All I do is reach down
I'm stuck. Stuck up here
Stuck down there.
Time can't move me.
Time did this to me.
Watch it click. Watch it tick.
It will do it to you
Make you reach down,
Reach up.
The sound is breaking
Down or up?
I'm tired
Time doesn't kiss and make up
Or break down
It's still, so chill.
No emotion, no devotion.
Just tick. Just click.
Tick. Tock.
The sound is drowning out
Breaking up
Drowning down
Breaking up
You can't make it stop
Up and down
Down and up
Which way is real
Give me truth, time is proof
Up or down
I'm breaking...
Breaking up
Breaking down.